What are Kitchen Table Conversations?
Kitchen Table Conversations (KTC) are a cornerstone of the community-backed independents movement in Australia and a prime example of Deliberative Democracy. The model that Independent Lyne is adopting is the same one that Voices for Indi used in their successful independent campaign. Voices for Indi used a community engagement approach with small groups of up to ten people coming together in an open environment to discuss key issues they want addressed and key actions they want from their representatives. To enhance community participation in the political process, they developed a series of questions to generate insightful and considered discussion:
- What is the best thing about living in this electorate?
- What makes for good political representation?
- Whare are your issues and concerns both with and beyond this electorate?
Importantly, the questions in a KTC are designed to be open, unambiguous, free of embedded values, and able to be answered by people from all walks of life (regardless of political persuasion).
The beauty of KTCs is that they provide a different means of political engagement. It's a process available to all people, regardless of their personal circumstances...KTCs are simple and powerful, in that they help people discuss what really matters to them in a comfortable, welcoming environment. (Alana Johnson, AM, in Voices for Indi's "The Indi Way")
How do Kitchen Table Conversations work?
Interested members of the community can volunteer to host a KTC by registering with the Independent Lyne Organising Committee. Host then invite small groups of participants - friends, family, neighbours, colleagues, social acquaintances - to come together for open and respectful and interesting conversation on what matters to them and their community. KTCs can take place in people's homes, in cafes, local parks, pubs, work lunch rooms, after yoga classes, before PTA meetings - at any place and any time! Host set the tone for the conversation, creating an inviting and welcoming space, setting clear ground rules for respectful contributions, and ensuring everyone's voice is heard. A scribe is appointed for each KTC to capture a summary of the key points that serves to validate and show appreciation for the diversity of views as well as provide feedback to the Organising Committee who collate all the summaries to develop an electorate-wide picture of what our communities want.
[A KTC] is an experience very different from the usual round-table consultation process, because it has no other purpose than to create an egalitarian place for conversation. Central is a commitment to listen to others, not just to jump in at any opportunity to proffer your own opinion and try to convince people of your view...To be listened to with respect is truly a gift, for it carries the implicit message that 'you are worth listening to'. This is a profoundly empowering experience. A KTC is a process of genuinely seeking to hear and acknowledge everyone's view, knowing that this is the building block to create common ground where people can look beyond themselves to the benefit of others. (Alana Johnson, AM, in Voices for Indi's "The Indi Way")
How can I sign up to be a host?
If you're interested in hosting a KTC to support Independent Lyne, please register your interest here. Someone from our Organising Committee will be in contact to provide you with all the materials you will need to host an engaging, respectful, and fruitful conversation.