We need you!
Independent Lyne is community organised and operated endeavour. We rely on passionate community members volunteering their time and skills to help us make a real difference in finding genuine representation for Lyne. Whether you have lots of time on your hands to contribute to meatier roles or just want to help out a little where you have spare time and energy - any help is help that will get us across the line.
We'll be in contact after you sign up to learn more about you and chat about the roles you are interested in. We're here to support you! Thanks for supporting us!
About the roles:
Host a Kitchen Table Conversation
Kitchen Table Conversations (KTCs) are the primary mechanism we use to engage with friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances and learn what they value about their community and how they want it to be better represented. You can learn more about KTCs here.
Time Required: 2 hours
Ideal Person: Someone who loves hosting a get-together and engaging in interesting conversation featuring diverse opinions
Desirable Skills: Friendly hot who can build trust and facilitate healthy conversation
Resources Required: Enough chairs for your guests, some snacks and drinks, paper and pen to record a general summary of the conversation
Support We'll Provide: Orientation briefing for hosts, best practice guides, conversations prompts, a dedicated coordinator to answer your questions and help you along the way
What We Expect of You: To identify and invite no more than 9 people to attend your event, to be a generous and welcoming host, to provide a comfortable and safe space for conversation, to clearly explain the purpose of the KTC and how it will inform the pursuit of better representation for your community, to provide Independent Lyne with feedback from the conversation.
Be a Social Media Ambassador
Social Media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok have the ability amplify our message and reach new supporters. For community-based organsiations like Independent Lyne, social media is a critical marketing tool that allows us to target people in our local area and reach them for free. Interactive and relevant content posted to social media has been show to grow levels of participation and engagement - which is exactly what we need! We're looking for ambassadors to share our content on their own accounts as well as ambassadors to develop and grow our Indpendent Lyne social media accounts and followings.
Time Required: Variable - ten minutes every now and then as a minimum would be great!
Ideal Persons: Someone who loves scrolling on social media; Someone who is creative; Someone who is a persuasive and engaging communicator
Desirable Skills: Strong communication skills, passion and humour. Knowing your way around Canva to create a meme is a plus, but just sharing existing content is also great!
Resources Required: A social media account
Support We'll Provide: For Ambassadors sharing on their own accounts: posts to share, images to use, key messages to amplify. For Ambassadors developing and maintaining Independent Lyne accounts: images to use, key messages to amplify, access to accounts, ability to boost posts via paid advertising.
What We Expect of You: To post engaging content on available social media channels, to engage professionally and responsibly on social media, to represent Independent Lyne in the best light, to adhere to our values when crafting and sharing messages, to contribute to a healthy social media environment (and not feed the toxicity).
Reach Out to Your Networks
Community independent movements like Independent Lyne rely on word of mouth to reach the broadest cross-section of our community. In a large and diverse electorate like Lyne, we know the best way to reach people is through the networks they are already involved in.
Time Required: 15 minutes or so every couple of weeks.
Ideal Person: Someone actively involved in a community organisation, club, or network
Desirable Skills: Genuine and down-to-earth communication skills
Resources Required: Access to contact lists
Support We'll Provide: Messages and content we would love to be shared among your networks
What We Expect of You: To forward key messages and content (updates, details of upcoming events, call outs for volunteers, etc) from Independent Lyne, to respect people's wishes for not receiving certain types of communication
Hand Out Surveys
Independent Lyne will be using surveys to complement the feedback we get from Kitchen Table Conversations (KTCs). Unlike KTCs, surveys are designed to be distributed to everyone and anyone. They can be distributed as part of a stall outside a shopping centre or at a local community event, or they can be distributed as QR code handouts and left at your local hairdresser, GP office, takeaway shop, chemist, bus stop, and anywhere where people are looking for something to do while they wait.
Time Required: 30 mins - 2 hours
Ideal Person: Someone who enjoys engaging in Vox Pop style interactions with members of the community they don't know; Someone who has connections with local business
Desirable Skills: Friendly demeanour, engaging personality, willingness to invite people without notice to take the survey, talk off-the-cuff and answer questions
Resources Required: None
What We Expect of You: To approach people and invite them to complete the survey (or provide the survey on their business premises), to communicate respectfully, to represent Independent Lyne in the best light
Support the Organising Committee
Independent Lyne is coordinated via an Organising Committee who deal with all the administration and behind-the-scenes work. We are looking for people to occasionally help out with some of these admin tasks - whether that's drafting and editing a media release, contacting possible venues for official events, researching legal and regulatory requirements, sourcing images for our website - the list goes on!
Time Required: Variable - up to 2hrs every now and then as required
Ideal Person: A jack-of-all-trades who is practical and pragmatic, who can work independently with limited direction, and who holds some admin and/or business expertise
Desirable Skills: Knowledge and use of basic computer applications (word, excel, etc), familiarity with Google Drive environment, good time management and organisational skills
Resources Required: Computer and internet connection, email address
What We Expect of You: To help out with what tasks you are comfortable with, to keep the Organising Committee updated on your progress
Volunteer Skills and Time
Not sure where you can help or what you can do? We still would love to have you on board! Just let us know you'd like to volunteer and we'll be in contact to discuss opportunities that suit your skill set and your availability.