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Community Voices Event - Wrap Up and Next Steps

Inspired by the impact of community independents in Federal Parliament and undeterred by the rain, over 70 Lyne locals came together in Taree on Saturday 4 May 2024 to hear about the benefits community independents can bring to rural and regional electorates.

Inspired by the impact of community independents in Federal Parliament and undeterred by the rain, over 70 Lyne locals came together in Taree on Saturday 4 May 2024 to hear about the benefits community independents can bring to rural and regional electorates.

Phil Haines from Voices4Indi, and Holly Rankin, Forster local, singer, songwriter and activist, addressed the full room, discussing how independent federal representatives bring considered and civil discussion to Parliament, and greater accountability for legislation and policy.

It’s important that rural and regional communities are represented by people who truly put people before party, and whose first priority is community,” said Phil Haines. “Having more community independents in Parliament from rural and regional communities will bring a greater focus on our needs when shaping legislation”

He outlined how Cathy McGowan invited the community to work on mapping black spots in mobile phone coverage, in preparation for submissions for funding new mobile phone towers. Holly spoke about the importance of restoring integrity in politics, improving the political conversations we have in our communities and in parliament house, and in reaching young people who may be disillusioned with the political process.

Both Holly and Phil noted that increasing the number of rural and regional electorates held by community independents would place a stronger focus on issues faced by communities outside major cities.

Questions from the audience canvassed topics about dealing with misinformation and disinformation in campaigns, building awareness and understanding of preferences in voting, better engaging young people, and restoring people’s hope in the political process.

The ensuing conversation solidified what it means to have a community-backed independent representative:

  • Politics where communities, and not political parties, set the agenda for change
  • Community voices heard and not taken for granted
  • A representative that is responsive to opportunities and community needs, and not burdened or held back by party bureaucracy and party lines.

Anita Tang from Voices4Cowper moderated the conversation and said she was excited to see so many people deeply engaged and enthusiastic about rethinking the way politics works.

“There was a strong response to the call for action with people signing up for local community catch up sessions and stepping forward to actively volunteer” said Anita Tang.

Phil Haines said “Meeting so many committed and energised people was delightful and inspiring. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens in Lyne.”


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'Listening Report' Launch Event

November 06, 2024

Over the past six months, Independent Lyne has been deeply engaged in listening to our community. Through conversations in homes and public spaces, attendance at local markets, and online surveys, we've gathered invaluable insights from you. Now we’re incredibly excited to be launching our Listening Report.

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